Question from Bryn about blurred photos -
I have spent time on your website and have tried to experiment, however, I'm just clueless.
I bought my camera to capture pictures of my girls at their soccer
games, dance recitals, and everyday fun. My youngest will be
turning one in two weeks and I am terrified that the pictures will turn
out horrible.
What is the best setting to get good photos indoors of a baby opening
presents and actively crawling around and slamming cake in her
face? I know I'm not advanced enough to change settings while the
moments are occurring. I hate how sometimes when she's moving around
the picture is blurry. Should the flash be on/off? How do I
get a more natural white balance?
Ugh! I'm a disaster! :). Any help would be so appreciated.
I've tried the sport option at soccer games was that correct?
P.S. My camera is a Canon Rebel T3i.
Answer - Hello Bryn,
Thanks for visiting
I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble in obtaining the results
you want with your Canon Rebel T3i. From what you say, I suggest you
refer to page 49 of the camera's manual - Basic Shooting and Image
Playback. (If you have misplaced the manual then the copy I am
referring to is
Begin by setting the Mode Dial to 'Fully Automatic Shooting' as
explained on page 50. This should cope with most of the situations you
will encounter. Take photographs of different subjects, including your
daughters and check they are what you want. Then progress through that
section of the manual, learning as you go.
When you have gained confidence, try working through the Creative Shooting Section on page 73.
Better Photographs is intended to help you progress beyond these stages, once you have mastered these steps.
Best wishes,
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