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Travel Photography Masterclass - How to take pictures that inspire the viewer.

Of the few photographers who could present a credible travel photography masterclass, Julian Comrie has a lifetime of experience in taking stunning pictures which is acknowledged at the highest level.

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Learn Landscape Photography - Better Landscape Photography (Part 2).

This 'Learn Landscape Photography' masterclass assumes you have read what I covered in 'Better Landscape Photography' about the importance of light, particularly around dawn and sunrise, and takes it further.

Continue reading "Learn Landscape Photography - Better Landscape Photography (Part 2)."

Modeling Tips - Advice from a Successful Model.

If you want to get the most out of your photography session, these modeling tips from successful model and actor, Steven Hooper are valuable to you whether you are a photographer or a model.

Continue reading "Modeling Tips - Advice from a Successful Model."

Better Landscape Photography - The importance of light.

Better Landscape Photography is wholly dependent on light. Here's how to make the best of a landscape in different light conditions.

Continue reading "Better Landscape Photography - The importance of light."

Great Wildlife Pictures - How to take that Special Photo.

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Wish you had taken those great wildlife pictures? Well here's how you can.

Continue reading "Great Wildlife Pictures - How to take that Special Photo."

Close up Photography - Sometimes flash is the only option.


Using flash for close up photography of insects, other invertebrates and flowers in the field.

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Super Macro Photography - Up Close with Greater Depth.

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A Super Macro Photography technique enabling you to achieve greater depth of field when using a wide aperture.

Continue reading "Super Macro Photography - Up Close with Greater Depth."

BBC Wildlife Photography Tips

Easy to use Wildlife Photography Tips from BBC Wildlife Photographers.

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Shadow Photos - Using the Light and the Shade


With a little thought, a shadow can play a starring role in our photographs.

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Landscape - A seasonal perspective

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The changing seasons can have a profound effect on the landscape and, therefore, photographic techniques.

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The Colour Wheel - Understand it and your shots will improve instantly.

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An understanding of the colour wheel has always been fundamental to photography. It's not surprising, given that colour is a crucial part of our world.

Continue reading "The Colour Wheel - Understand it and your shots will improve instantly."

Wedding Photographer - An Intimate Invitation.

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Wedding Photographer of the Year, Mark Seymour gives some expert advice.

Continue reading "Wedding Photographer - An Intimate Invitation."

Travel Photos - Dare to be Different


Travel photos can be much more interesting if you dare to be different.

Continue reading "Travel Photos - Dare to be Different"

Portrait Photographer - Thoughts from a Master.

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Renowned and influential portrait photographer Barry Lategan shares his thoughts and experience.

Continue reading "Portrait Photographer - Thoughts from a Master."

A Light Touch ...

As a subscriber to the BBC Wildlife Magazine, I came across this article in the February edition. It provides a valuable insight to the use of additional lighting when photographing wildlife and poses 10 key questions we should ask ourselves before doing so -

Continue reading "A Light Touch ..."

Understanding Histograms - Getting perfect exposure on your shots.

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One of the advantages of digital cameras is that you can check the exposure of the photos you have just taken. This is easily done using the camera's histograms.

Continue reading "Understanding Histograms - Getting perfect exposure on your shots."

Landscape Photographs - Lovely shots whatever the weather.

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Advice to help you achieve the finest landscape photographs whatever the weather - and you don't need an expensive camera to do it.

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African Safari - An adventure in South Africa.

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A South African Safari offers adventure and many photo opportunities. Here's some advice on how to make the most of it.

Continue reading "African Safari - An adventure in South Africa."

The Sky - Taken for granted but offering limitless photo opportunities.

Sky Arrival

The Sky can function as the main subject of the shot, play a supportive role to a dominant foreground or act as an effective counterpart element.

Continue reading "The Sky - Taken for granted but offering limitless photo opportunities."

Black and White Photographs - Taking them can make you a Better Photographer.

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Black and white photographs can convey a timeless, 'classic' look that simply isn't possible with colour.

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