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Image of the Month

This month's image, which can be downloaded to add to your wallpaper collection is "Aldeburgh Beach"

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July 2024 - "Aldeburgh Beach"
by Ron Sutton

Another shot on the same beach taken just 15 minuted later.

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June 2024 - "Aldeburgh"
by Ron Sutton

This beach scene was taken at Aldeburgh in Suffolk. I saw the colours of the beachfront houses and as they faced due East it had to be an early start. The shots were taken just as the sun rose over the horizon hence the long shadows.

Walked the entire length of the beach then back to the hotel for a full English!

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May 2024 - "Bell Wood"
by Sarah Curgenven

The unusually warm, wet winter we have just experienced in England has produced vibrant displays of Bluebells.

This month 's image is a painting with digital brushes on a photo taken by my daughter during our walk in the Hampshire Woods on Good Friday, when we spotted the rarer white flower amongst the sea of blue.

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April 2024 - "Walmer Castle"
by the late Stephen Barrie

Built during the reign of King Henry VIII, Walmer Castle is one of the most fascinating visitor attractions in the South East. Originally designed as part of a chain of coastal artillery defences it evolved into the official residence of the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports.

The Duke of Wellington held the post for 23 years and enjoyed his time spent at the castle and in recent years Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother made regular visits to the castle.

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March 2024 - "Pollinating Bee"
by Eric Hatch

A bee heavily-laden with pollen, trying to find that one more bit before heading back to the hive.

The real challenge with this shot was getting the bee in focus and not getting stung -- this was shot from about 4 inches away!

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February 2024 - "Winter Reflections"
by Taylor Baskin

I stumbled onto this scene while doing some scouting in Yosemite during my last visit.  I was first drawn to the scene by the crisp reflections of the snow covered trees in the distance. But as I shot close ups of the banks, I noticed the clouds above starting to turn orange in the late afternoon light.

I threw on my blue-n-gold filter to help really bring out those warm tones and took this wide angle view of the Mereced River and Yosemite's valley walls. I only wish I could have fit all of the three rocks into my composition.

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January 2024 - "City Snow"
by John Daly

Nevada City was first settled in 1849, during the California Gold Rush, as Nevada (meaning "snow-covered", a reference to the snow-topped mountains in the area). The Gold Tunnel on the north side of Deer Creek was the city's first mine, being located in 1850.

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