What Is RSS?

"Really Simple Syndication"

Use the orange RSS or XML buttons (they're everywhere nowadays) to get the latest Web pages from Better Photographs, newsfeeds from BBC or CNN, as well as just about anything else, including news and information about your hobbies, business interests and on forthcoming movies, DVD releases, your favorite musician's tour updates, etc.

Once you get started, it's like having your favorite parts of the Web come to you. No need to go out and check for updates all the time.

What RSS means to you is that when you subscribe to a site that has an RSS feed, you can keep up-to-date without having to check the site every day or week.

How do you get started? It's very straightforward!

If you use Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari, there is an easy way to use RSS. Simply search for RSS in their Help sections.

If you don't, or if you prefer :-

Download a free RSS Reader first. This is special software that reads the RSS feeds...

Windows -- RssReader

Mac -- NetNewsWire

Once you're set up, here's all you have to do...

Right-click (control-click for Mac users) on any orange RSS button on a site, blog or news source that interests you. Start by right-clicking on the orange button below. Then...

copy and paste Select Copy Shortcut ("Copy Link to Clipboard" for Mac, "Copy Link Location" for Firefox browsers), and paste that URL into your RSS Reader.

And that's it! You're subscribed.

Right-click and get started.

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