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White Balance

"Getting the Colours right."

Question from Edward about white balance -

I have to shoot a wedding in a log cabin. Lots of yellow logs in wall, ceiling and floor.

Lots of windows for natural light but the wood on the porch is yellow also.
White Balance

Not sure what I should do for white balance or how to bounce my flash off the yellow wall?

Any help would be appricated.

Answer -

Hello Edward,

What you need to do in a situation like this is to set the correct White Balance on your camera - assuming you have a Digital SLR. If it's a Film camera then you need to use film prepared for tungsten light.

The most accurate way to do this is to go through the manual Custom White Balance set-up procedure which involves photographing a plain white card or similar. Instructions on how to do this should be in your camera manual.

If your camera does not have this capability then set the white balance to tungsten and make fine adjustments as necessary.

I would suggest you shoot in RAW anyway so that you can make any necessary refinements when processing the file. Get this right for one frame and apply the setting to the other files.

There is more information in the article about Colour Temperature.

Email being what it is, could you please drop me a line to confirm that you have received this, then I won't have to bother you by chasing it up.
Best wishes,


Edward's reply -

Thanks for your help. Custom White ballance worked great in test shoot.


Macro Cameras

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